I just couldn't get here to post for a few days. Sorry all around.
I was just reading that Apple's market share for everything just keeps going up.
Additionally, every company on the planet with access to a server is going to try to compete with iTunes. MTV, RealMedia, Floyd's All-Night Laundromat and Motorcycle Repair, Piggly Wiggly, Lowes, The Golf Channel, Pottery Barn, Duke Power, IKEA, Spiegel, Exxon-Mobil, Hammacher Schlemmer, Amy's Hallmark Shop in Fargo North Dakota, and Wal-Mart are going to duke it out with iTunes.
The interesting part of the whole thing is that not a single one of them can get a press release out the door without including "iTunes," "iPod," or "Apple" somewhere in the text. They're doing Apple's marketing for free.
All over the world, literally dozens of people are saying, "Ohboyohboyohboyohboy! I can finally download stuff to put on my Creative Zen."
How much money are how many companies going to have to throw down the toilet before they figure out the blatantly obvious. The Motley Fool doesn't get it. The Fool warned against over-confidence on the part of Apple investors. These guys are gonna take a bite of Apple's market share, they warned.
Feckin' Hell, Kids, it ain't gonna happen.
Not many people download a lot of music from the iTunes store. Most folks load up their iPods and music libraries from their CD collections. If all these companies sell mp3s without DRM, the music will work on iPods, no? Apple only sells billions of songs because there are a lot of people with the iTunes store on their computers.
Apple makes money because people buy iPods. Lots and frigging lots of iPods. Not Zens and Zunes, boys and girls – iPods. Apple won't miss the few customers who download from Wal-Mart's most recent attempt to conquer the internet.
Apple can only lose in this scenario if two things happen:
1. Somebody builds something as cool as iTunes that fuels the sale of a player as cool as iPod.
2. Apple stops innovating.
It's more likely that Mike Vick will play in the next Pro Bowl and get an endorsement from the American Kennel Club. I don't think I'll sell any shares.
Not to mention the iPhone is still out there making the mobile phone industry feel something akin to reaching for the K-Y and getting Ben-Gay by mistake.
Popcorn's ready.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Sorry, all.
Posted by
Rip Ragged
7:02 PM